

@贺小米要养龙猫 2014-03-24 10:41
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Maggie Q stole the show at the L.A. premiere of Divergent on Tuesday, March 18. The 34-year-old actress, who plays aptitude test facilitator Tori in the film, took attention away from lead star Shailene Woodley and other A-listers by going without underwear on the red carpet.
电影《分歧者》周二在洛杉矶的首映式上,Maggie Q抢到了不少眼球。这位34岁的女演员在剧中扮演天生就很适合人体改造测试的Tori。红地毯上Maggie Q的出现没少抢走这部电影主演,一线好莱坞明星Shailene Woodley的风头。

Maggie wore a skimpy little black dress that featured one side of paneling with revealing cut-outs. The actress purposefully posed to the side for cameras in order to flaunt the sexy design.
Maggie Q身着一身用料不多的黑色晚礼服,露出了一边的好身材,而且还在记者的镜头下大摆性感造型,狂秀光臀和长腿。

Maggie's mini dress stood out amongst her fellow female Divergent costars. Woodley, who stars as heroine Tris, wore a one-shoulder gold Elie Saab Couture gown for the big premiere. The gown did feature a high slit, but not nearly as revealing as Maggie's ensemble.
而和旁边Divergent等众多女明星相比,Maggie Q的露臀装明显更加吸引眼球。在剧中Woodley饰演女主角Tris,她在首映礼上穿着Elie Saab设计的金色单肩晚礼服出现。她穿的晚礼服也有很高的开叉,不过明显没有Maggie Q的惹眼。