
【经典晨读美文】 实现你的梦想(2/3)





They all said, so I did. It was not an immediately resolution to my door drums, but with a few weeks perseverance, I got back in the groof, several people in my circle of supporters helped me make some good connections, and I got the book completed and to the publisher on time. It was an exciting goal for me to reach, so I took my family to Hawaii as my reward, I have a included picture of me living one of my dreams, swimming with the dolphins and a Wahoo.
他们都这样说,我只好照办。郁闷的心情并没有立即好转,但经过几周的坚持不懈,我居然回复到工作的幸福状态中。在支持我的朋友们当中,许多人帮我做了很好的内容衔接工作,新书才得以按期完成交给出版商。 实现这个目标令我兴奋不已。所以,作为对我的奖赏,我带着全家去夏威夷旅游。在那儿我拥有了一张属于我的梦想之一的照片——与海豚在瓦胡岛游泳。