

Australian science agency CSIRO recently received this adorable letter.

It says:

Hello Lovely Scientist,

My name is Sophie and I am 7 years old. My dad told me about the scientists at the CSIRO. Would it be possible if you can make a dragon for me. I would like it if you could but if you can’t thats fine.

I would call it toothless if it was a girl and if it is a boy I would name it Stuart.

I would keep it in my special green grass area where there are lots of space. I would feed it raw fish and I would put a collar on it. If it got hurt I would bandage it if it hurt himself. I would play with it every weekend when there is no school.

Love from Sophie

This instructional drawing was attached.

Sophie’s mother told The Age that when her husband advised their daughter they wouldn’t be able to get her a dragon for Christmas, Sophie came up with the idea to ask a scientist for one.

After receiving Sophie’s letter, CSIRO published a blog post apologising to Australia for the lack of dragons.

"There are no dragons.

Over the past 87 odd years we have not been able to create a dragon or dragon eggs… And for this Australia, we are sorry.”

They ended by saying they’re “looking into it”. Thank you, lovely scientists!

The result was the birth of the CSIRO's first dragon at the additive manufacturing facility Lab 22 in Melbourne.

The CSIRO says the scientists there are used to printing anatomically correct insects, biomedical implants and aerospace parts, so they thought a dragon was possible.

"Being that electron beams were used to 3D print her, we are certainly glad she didn’t come out breathing them … instead of fire." the lab's Chad Henry said.

"Titanium is super strong and lightweight, so Toothless will be a very capable flyer."

Sophie’s mother, Lester, says her daughter is overjoyed.

"All her friends are now saying they want to be a scientist and Sophie says she now wants to work at CSIRO." Lester told the Canberra Times.

"She's saying Australian scientists can do anything."