
【绝望的主妇】S02E01 Change


Wisteria Lane

It had been a year since my death, and a lot had changed on Wisteria Lane. Children had learned new games. New neighbors had moved in. Old houses had been rebuilt. And fresh tragedies had occurred. In one house, a widow was getting ready to tell her friends of her husband's passing. But until the time was right, she would wait. And life, as it tends to do, would go on.
距离我过世已经有一年的时间了,紫藤巷已改变很多。小孩子们学会了新的游戏,新邻居搬了进来,老房子重建,还有新的事故也发生了。在其中一幢房子里,一个寡妇已经准备好将她丈夫过世的消息告诉朋友们。但是她将等待那个合适的世纪。而生活,也在继续。 ——译文来自: kathyadelaaa