
【全国英语等级考试三级】Unit 7 life Passage (1/3)

2013-02-24 20:00
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【全国英语等级考试三级】Unit 7 life Passage (1/3)



Sometimes, people come into your life and you realize that they are there for some purpose, to teach you a lesson, or to help you to know who you are or who you want to become. You'd never know who these people may be, your friend, your classmate, you neighbor, your co-worker, your teacher, or even a stranger, but they will deeply affect your life in some way. And sometimes things happen to you that may seem unfair, painful and horrible as first, but later, you realize that without overcoming those difficulties you would never know your strength, willpower or potential. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, great achievement, love, injury and failure all come to test the limits of your soul.
有时候,人们进入你的生活,你会意识到他们来这是有目的,去教你一节课或者去帮助你让你知道你是谁或者你想成为谁。你从来都不知道那些人将会变成什么样,你的朋友,你的同学,你的邻居,你的同事,你的老师或者甚至是一个陌生人,但是在某种程度上他们将深深地影响你的生后。 有时候事情对你来说可能不公平,痛苦和可怕的事总会第一个来到,但到后来,你会意识到没有克服那些困难你将永远不会知道你有多强大。任何事情的发生都不是偶然的或者说是贫运气的。病痛,伟大的成就,爱,伤痛和失败都是来考验你灵魂极限的。 ——译文来自: beaufulgirl