
【犯罪心理】S01E16(4) 你想要发起一个针对白人的战争?

2013-02-24 11:10
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上期节目: 【犯罪心理】S01E16(3) 邪教都有自己的语言


Mr. Cally, I'm special agent Aaron Hotchner with the FBI.
You know, I spent my whole life talking to cops and doctors.
Something different about you,
you're not just a cop, are you?
You're very perceptive.
So, what are you?
I'm a profiler.
So am I.
Your colleagues respect you a great deal, looking to you to find all the answers.
Well they don't call me grandfather.
Well, in my tribe, grandfather is simply another word for teacher.
Did you teach your tribe to murder?
No, I don't teach murder. I teach love.
Love of land, love of ancestors, love of the tribe.
The Apache will soon remember who they are and they will hunt these trespassers off their land, until no one but the Apache remain.
You think you speak for the Apache, but 3____________.
And a killer.
I haven't killed anyone.
Do you think that 4_________________ with all the white people in this state?
- Pretty soon, we won't have to.
- Why is that?
What's going to happen when the angry white men come to the doors of your children blaming you for the killing of their people?
What are you going to do, call the cops?
No. you're going to string them up.
You're going to put their heads on poles and rape their women, just like the savage animal you really are.
No, Blackwolf?
Leadership is a grave responsibility These trespassers poison the land you're nothing but a coward your little tribe is going to wage a war Like the savage animal your father was before they shot him down