
【犯罪现场调查】S01E03 证据确凿,认罪服法

2013-01-12 19:57
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L: Jack, it's not true. __①__.

N: __②__. Dubs are cued up.

G: Let's listen to Chip's message, okay? Remember, Jack when I told you you could hear a lot if you listened?

J: Yeah.

N: I'm sure you all recognize Chip's voice unaltered. Now, one more time with a slight variation.

G: It's amazing what we can do with the new forensic audio programs. __③__.

N: Heck, we can lift entire speeches just to see what's underneath.

G: A car went by when Chip was on the phone to you, Jack. Scared you, didn't it, Laura? Thought it might be the police? Let's hear it once more without that annoying car.

J: You're my whole life.

L: Please, Jack. Your work is your life. __④__?

N: All right, let's go, Laura. Officer has a car waiting out front.

L: Just wait. Just wait a second. Grissom, I can help you. I can get you Chip not just on this. He was into a lot of things. Steroids. He was into credit cards. He was ...

G: We already have you both for about 25 years, minimum.

J: There's one thing you didn't explain in there.  As soon as you dug Laura up, why didn't she turn Chip in?

G: Self-preservation. __⑤__.
I had no part in it Audio downloaded everything Enhance sounds, isolate them How else do you think I started sleeping with Chip right under your nose She rats on him, she rats on herself
LAURA GARRIS: 杰克,这不是真的。其中绝对没有我份。 NICK: 声音已经下载下来了。声轨已经分离排列。 GRISSOM: 我们再来听听奇普的信息,好吧?杰克,记得吗?我告诉过你,如果用心去听,你能听到很多东西的。 JACK GARRIS: 记得。 NICK: 听出来没变声的奇普的声音了吧。现在再来一遍,这是有轻微作了变音的。 GRISSOM: 现在凭着最新的语音分析程序,你简直对我们所能做到的难以想象。我们可以强化声音,把各种声音分离。 NICK: 还有,我们可以把整体音色提高,听听背景声音如何。 GRISSOM: 杰克,当奇普在跟你通电话时,一辆车子经过了。罗拉,那使你吓坏了,对吗?以为是警察吧? GRISSOM: 我们再来一遍,这回我们把那车子的噪音也去掉。 JACK GARRIS: 你是我的全部。 LAURA GARRIS: 拜托,杰克,你别那么说。你的工作才是你的全部。要不然你以为我是怎么在你的眼皮底下和奇普混在一起的? NICK: 好了,走吧,罗拉,警察有一辆车在前门等着呢。 LAURA GARRIS: 等等,就等一会。葛瑞森,我能帮你,我能帮你钉死奇普。不只是这件事,他还犯了很多事:造毒品,伪造信用卡...他还... GRISSOM: 你们两个都逃不掉,最起码得坐25年吧。 JACK: 还有一件事你们没有解释的。当你们把罗拉挖出来的时候,她为什么不马上把奇普供出来? GRISSOM: 自卫本能。她不把他供出来,自己也就不会暴露。
相关热点: 英语专四模拟题