
绯闻女孩 第二季第六集剧情预告

2008-10-03 20:57
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Gossip Girl
Episode 2.06: New Haven Can Wait
Airs: October 13, 2008

Blair, Serena, Dan, Nate and Chuck go to Yale. After Blair and Serena get into a fight, Serena decides to get even with Blair, who has always dreamed of going to Yale, by going to Yale instead of going to Brown as planned and accepting the Dean of Yales private invitation to the campus. Dan discovers that none of his recommendation letters for Yale were sent, he tries to figure out a way of getting into the school. Also Chuck is kidnapped by a group of Skull and Bones members and Nate hooks up with a co-ed.



剧情简介:Blair, Serena, Dan, Nate和Chuck去耶鲁参观:一直想去Brown的Serena在坐上Blair的飞机后改变了主意接受邀请去参观耶鲁;Dan发现自己发去耶鲁的申请信一封都没有寄出去;而Chuck被一群Skull and Bones的成员绑架了;Nate则和一个同校女生混在了一起。

