

沪江英语 2013-10-06 22:43
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The cable net has found a new odd couple in Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer) and Peter Burke (Tim DeKay).

Neal Caffrey is a career white-collar criminal who makes a deal with FBI Agent Peter Burke, the man who put him in prison. In exchange for Caffrey's (ankle bracelet-monitored) freedom, he'll help Burke catch the bad guys. It's a premise we've seen before — the Tom Hanks-Leonardo DiCaprio film Catch Me If You Can comes to mind — but White Collar's take is more timeless and, yes, funnier.

It's a tenuous truce for the foes with a long history, but it's one they're both willing to explore.

沪江娱乐快讯:USA电视台在2009年的秋季档推出了一部由马特·波莫和蒂姆·迪凯搭档主演的罪案喜剧片,《妙警贼探》(White Collar)。

片中马特·波莫饰演的是一位英俊帅气且具有高智商的天才型诈骗高手,Neal Caffrey,蒂姆·迪凯饰演的则是一位出色干练、极具行动派和思考力的FBI资深探员,Peter Burke。该剧主要讲述的就是这对“最不可能”的搭档合作破案的喜剧故事。

