

Breaking Bad will live on — sort of.

AMC has reached a licensing agreement for a spin-off of the popular series, which will be centered on shady attorney Saul Goodman, the network announced Wednesday.
AMC电视台周三宣布,将会预定《绝命毒师》衍生剧,这部衍生剧将会围绕律师Saul Goodman展开。

Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan would work on the project with writer Peter Gould, who wrote the Season 2 episode "Better Call Saul" that first introduced the character.
《绝命毒师》制作人Vince Giligan和该剧第二季的编剧Peter Gould共同制作这部衍生剧,律师Saul Goodman的角色也正是在第二季的“Better Call Saul” 这一集中首次出场的。

Will you watch the spin-off?