
《初代吸血鬼》即将首播 Ian吃醋了

Though the fans are already excited about the upcoming "The Vampire Diaries" spinoff series "The Originals," one person who isn't all that into it is "TVD" star Ian Somerhalder.
众多美剧粉丝都在期待即将播出的《吸血鬼日记》衍生剧《初代吸血鬼》,不过有一个人似乎不这样哦,这个人就是《吸血鬼日记》男主Ian Somerhalder。

In a recent interview with Digital Spy, Somerhalder revealed that while he's happy for his costars' success, he's worried how it will impact his character, Damon. "I'm excited for Julie [Plec], and for Joseph [Morgan] and all my people," Somerhalder said. "But I'm a selfish actor -- I'm not a producer on the show, I'm not a writer. My only concern is Damon, and my show."
在《Digital Spy》的近期对Ian的一次采访中,Somerhalder说,自己为同剧演员的成功感到开心,但是他有些担心这会对他的角色Damon有影响。“我为Julie(《吸血鬼日记》《初代吸血鬼》执行制片人)、Joseph还有所有同事们感到开心,”Somerhalder说。“但是我是个自私的演员——我不是这部剧的制片人,也不是编剧。我关心的只有Damon这个角色,和我参演的这部剧。

"The Originals" is taking away three main characters who began as villains on "TVD" (and sometimes still play a villainous role): Morgan's Klaus, Daniel Gillies' Elijah, and Claire Holt's Rebekah. "They're going to be taking these characters that mean so much to our show," Somerhalder said. "I'm insanely happy for everyone, but I'm not thrilled. I just don't want to lose all these amazing actors on our show."
《初代吸血鬼》带走了《吸血鬼日记》的3个主要演员:Morgan饰演的Klaus,Daniel Gillies饰演的Elijah,以及Clair Holt饰演的Rebekah。“他们会把这三个对《吸血鬼日记》至关重要的角色带走,”Somerhalder说。“我真心为所有人感到高兴,但是不是激动万分那种。我只是不希望我们的剧失去这些演员。

Now that there is a major hole for villainous characters on "TVD," Somerhalder is worried about his series having to cast new characters. "Who are the other people who are gonna be coming on the show? Are they gonna be good?" Somerhalder said. "Because it's The CW, and everyone has to be pretty, and there aren't a lot of pretty people that can act well."