

沪江英语 2013-08-15 11:30
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She's normally seen strutting her stuff in a series of sleek and sophisticated ensembles, and tends to play it safe with black when she hits the red carpet.

But Jennifer Aniston enjoyed a complete departure from her usual style as she attended the UK premiere of her new movie, We're The Millers, at London's Odeon Leicester Square on Wednesday night. 

Enjoying a sartorial transformation for her big red carpet moment, the 44-year-old actress wore a feminine and flirty floral skater dress.  

They were both battling it out for red carpet attention with one of Hollywood's most successful actresses.

And Made In Chelsea stars past and present, Kimberley Garner and Lucy Watson, opted for very different approaches as they faced off against leading lady Jennifer Aniston at the We're The Millers UK premiere on Wednesday night. 


周三,《冒牌家庭》在英国伦敦举办首映会,女明星们亮相红毯。Jennifer Aniston 一反自己爱打安全牌的风格,穿起了颇具女人味的碎花露背裙装。而与其争艳的两位年轻女星也不甘示弱,上演了红毯切尔西女孩之争。Kimberley Garner 和 Lucy Watson 这两位来自切尔西的姑娘选择了截然不同的红毯风格。Kimberley 一袭红裙,不吝展示自己傲人的身材;而 Lucy 则以低调的裤装亮相红毯。
