

He's going from one serial killer to another: "Dexter" baddie Sam Underwood has just joined "The Following" for Season 2, TVLine reports.
他又要出现在另一部连环杀手剧了:Tvline报道,《嗜血法医》中的大坏蛋Sam Underwood加入《杀手信徒》第二季。

Underwood landed a series regular gig for the Fox series' sophomore run playing Luke, a very complicated and dangerous young man.

Right now, Underwood can be seen in "Dexter's" final season as Michael C. He will next be seen in "Homeland" Season 3 as a troubled friend of Dana's.
现在大家可以在《嗜血法医》中看到Underwood扮演的Michael C. 另外他还会在《国土安全》第三季中扮演Dana的麻烦朋友。

"The Following" returns January 2014.