
《环太平洋》票房喜人 有望拍续集

沪江英语 2013-08-06 13:51
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It’s still probably too soon to say a sequel to Guillermo del Toro‘s Pacific Rim is a sure thing, but the chances for another film grew this week as the film opened big in China. For any big-budget movie, international box-office is increasingly important.

And so with a $9m Wednesday opening in China, the film has an international take that tops $150m, pushing it towards the magic number that could equal a green light for the sequel.

Deadline reports that “momentum is building” for a sequel with the good Chinese opening. The film still has to hit Spain, Brazil, and Japan next week.

It’s important to remember that good international numbers don’t mean the film is necessarily going to be profitable on its own. But it does mean that there is significant interest in the movie. That translates to ancillary revenue: disc and video sales and licensing, and in the case of a film like Pacific Rim, merchandising.

It will be interesting to see how the sequel is handled, if it happens. Legendary owns most of Pacific Rim, and the company just signed a deal to partner with Universal. That moves Legendary away from Warner Bros., which helped finance Pacific Rim, and released the film. That puts three companies in the mix for the sequel.