
【绝望的主妇】S01E01 Susan

450)=450"> 也许Susan在主妇中并不是个讨喜的人物,她性格大大咧咧,总是好心办坏事,从而导致了一系列因她而产生的麻烦……但不可否认的是,其实Susan这样做只是为了对得起自己的内心,她的性格使她难以接受生活中黑暗的一面,并总是关心、帮助、劝慰身处黑暗中的人。她所导致的麻烦其实是源于自己内心的善良,她按捺不住自己对爱情的渴望,也同时按捺不住自己良心的谴责和拷问。作为一个总是到处“惹麻烦”的主妇,她自然不会受到大家的喜爱,但是想想我们自己,对自己良心的坚守和坚持善良的本性不也是我们应该做的吗? Hints: Susan Mayer Karl
Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband Karl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook and she rarely made it well. It was too salty the night she and Karl moved into their house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Karl's shirt. She burned it the night Karl told her he was leaving her for his secretary. A year had passed since the divorce. Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her cooking.
Susan Mayer,住在街对面, 带来了通心粉和奶酪。她的丈夫Carl总是嘲笑她做的通心粉,说这是她唯一会做的东西, 而且她很少能做好。她和Carl搬来那天晚上做的,太咸。她发现Carl的衬衫上有唇印的那天晚上,水太多了。Carl告诉她要离开她去他的秘书那里的那天晚上,她把通心粉烧焦了。她已经离婚一年了,Susan开始觉得生活中有个男人是件美好的事情,就算是一个只会嘲弄她的厨艺的男人。