
【突破英文词汇5000】Lesson 18 (4/4)

2013-03-21 15:16
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associate Don't associate with bad and dishonest boys. He has been my associate in several business enterprises. chauffeur They rented a car with a chauffeur for the winter trip. dump Don't dump that trash in the middle of the path. dye Many women like to dye their hair blonde. feat The first flight into space was a brilliant feat. nasty The medicine has a nasty smell and a nastier taste. Be tactful when you tell him because he has a very nasty temper. plunder The pirates entered the harbor and began to plunder the town. speck I found a few specks of dirt on the wallpaper. strife There has always been strife between the two countries. strip The monkey stripped the banana by taking off the skins. tutor Her father employed a tutor for her during her long illness. twinkle His eyes twinkled with delight when he heard the news that he had passed the entrance examination.
associate 1. v.结交 2. n.伙伴 不要结交坏且不诚实的孩子。 在好几家企业中,他都是我的合伙人。 chauffeur n.司机 他们租了部配有司机的汽车,去作冬季旅游。 dump v.卸下 不要在路中央倒垃圾。 dye v.染色 许多妇女喜欢把她们的头发染成金黄色。 feat n.伟绩 第一次太空飞行是项光辉的伟绩。 nasty adj. 1.令人作呕的 2.恶劣的 这药闻起来令人作呕,尝起来更糟。 告诉他这件事时要机智些,因为他的脾气很恶劣。 plunder v.抢劫 海盗进港后便开始抢劫此镇。 speck n.污点 我发现壁纸上有一些污点。 strife n.争吵 这两国之间总是争吵。 strip v.剥去 这猴子剥去了香蕉皮。 tutor n.私人教师 在她长期卧病期间,她父亲为她请了位家庭教师。 twinkle v.闪烁 当他听说他已通过入学考试时,眼里闪烁着喜悦。