
【吸血鬼日记】第二季第一集(1) Damon意识到了...

2012-03-12 20:30
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第二季回归啦~~ Damon跟Elena谈起昨天晚上的kiss了,结果Elena竟然不认,Jenna的出现终于让他意识到了...“K”出现了! 450)=450"> 老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻... 注意咯!今天第一次传视频,好像有点声音和画面不对应~有待进一步摸索改进哈~~下个视频更精彩! 今天的每个空都只有一句话,而且有一个“gotta”
XMzYzMTczOTY0/ Damon: Uh... all right, ______1______ Elena: Yeah, one of the tomb vampires got into the house and almost killed John! Damon: What? What... When? ______2______ Elena: You were there? Damon: Come on, Elena, You know I was. Elena: When were you at the house? Damon: Really? Earlier. On the porch. We were talking, all cathartic, feelings exposed. Come on, we kissed, Elena. Elena: Ok... I don't have time for this, Damon. Damon: Hey. If you want to forget it happened, fine. But I can't. Jenna: Elena! I came as soon as I got your message. How is John? Elena: Where have you been? Jenna: At the fire department. I had to fill out a report. ________3_______ Elena: No, you didn't. Jenna: Yes, I did. Elena: No, Jenna, you didn't. Jenna: Yes, I did. Damon: Oh. Mmm. ______4______ 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧! 吸血鬼迷们创建的群:111354855,欢迎喜爱该剧的沪友加入哈~~
I know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now, but we should talk about what happened tonight. What are you talking about, after I left? I told you earlier. You gotta be kidding me.
Damon:呃……好吧,我知道你现在可能不想谈,可是关于今晚的事,我们还是应该谈谈。 Elena:对,古墓里的一个吸血鬼闯进我家,差点杀了John! Damon:什么?什么……什么时候?你在说些什么,是在我走之后吗? Elena:你去过吗? Damon:拜托 Elena。你知道我去过的。 Elena:你什么时候去过我家的? Damon:你不是吧?早些时候。就在走廊上,我们聊天,然后情不自禁。拜托,Elena,我们接吻了。porch: 走廊 cathartic:情不自禁的 exposed: 暴露的,外露的 Elena:好吧……Damon,我没时间跟你闹。 Damon:嘿,如果你想把这一切忘了,没问题。但我忘不了。 Jenna:Elena!我一收到你信息就赶来了。John怎么样了? Elena:出事的时候你去哪了? Jenna:去消防队了。有个报告要填。我跟你说过的。 Elena:没有,你没说。 Jenna:我确实说了。 Elena:没有,Jenna 你没说。 Jenna:我真的说了。 Damon:哦。不是在开玩笑吧。gotta: <美俚> =have got to kid: 开玩笑