
2013年3月中级口译听力答案 Passage Translation(含解析)

213年春季上海中高级口译考试于今日3月17日开考,沪江英语在考后第一时间提供真题、解析、答案信息,本文为2013年3月中级口译听力答案 Passage Translation 部分(含解析),由沪江网校提供。

Passage Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.

Passage One

Like food and houses, clothing is a basic human need. One reason people began wearing clothing was for protection. In ancient times, rough garments protected our ancestors from animal bites and kept them from being hurt. Clothing also kept them warm and dry. Today, clothing is also worn for reasons other than protection against the weather. One of the most important reasons is appearance. People choose clothes in styles and color that they like and that they think other people will like.





Passage Two

The human brain differs from the brains of other animals for one very simple reason. It is by far the most complex thing in the world. The ability to communicate through spoken or written language is an important feature. In human brains, the centers for language and thought are far more developed. While your brain accounts for only about 2% of your body weight. It takes 20% of your body’s oxygen supply, and uses up 20-30% of your body’s energy.




这段文字略带科普性,内容是讲人类大脑。文中the centers for language and thought和accounts for在翻译时需要灵活处理。另外,文中的短语和部分从句也需略为注意。科普性文字是考生的弱项,平时应稍作加强。



