






1. 划线部分第一段第一句“风云变幻数十年……大概也不知去向。”的句式较长,可采用断句法,分成两个整句来翻译。

2.“风云变幻数十年,当年的日军投降书早已存入历史的档案”:译为 “Now, the surrender documents have long since been consigned to the historical archives.”。其 中,“风云变幻数十年”是汉语 的流水句 ,不可直译。联系上下文,原文中的“风云变幻数十年”只是用来表达时间的过渡。前文所叙述的内容都是过去的记忆,而这里叙述。

3.“早已” :long since 或long ago。

4. “存入历史的档案” :译为“be consigned to the historical archives”。其中“consign” 的本意为“交付;托运;寄存;把……委托给”。

5. “用于投降书上签署的那支毛笔大概也不知去向”:译为“And no one knows what has become of the writing brush that was used to sign the documents.”。其中词组 “become of”指“使遭遇……;……降临于;发生……情况”。

6. 划线部分第一段第二句“历史是无情的……终于胜利了。”句式较长,同样采用断句法来翻译,分译成两个英语句子。其中,“有它自己的轨迹和方向”归入第一个英语句子 ,以现在分词短语形式作句子的状语 。

7.“历史是无情的,有它自己的轨迹和方向”:译为“History is inexorable, moving ahead according to its own course and direction.”。其中,“inexorable”的本意为“无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的”。“轨迹”译为“course”。

8. “伟大的中国人民”:译为 “The great people of China”。注意 ,冠词“the”不能省略 。类似的翻译还有:“美国人民”可翻译为 “the American people”或“the Americans” ; “日本人民”翻译为“the Japanese people”或“the Japanese”。

9. “抗 日民族 自卫战争”:即“中华 民族抗 日抗争和自卫战争”,所 以译为“the war of resistance to Japanese aggression and self-defence”。其中 “抗日战争”除了译为“the War of Resistance Against Japan”,还可译为“Anti-Japanese War”。

10. “日本军 国主义”:译为“Japanese militarism”。词缀“-ism”解释为“主义;论;制度 ;学说”。例如 :Buddhism :佛教 ;racism :种族主义 。

11.“以……告终” :译为“end in”。例如:以战败而告终:to end in total defeat;以灾难告终 :to end in disaster。

12. “侵略者在中国大地上留下的那一段血腥的罪恶历史,任何人都无法篡改,更不容抹煞”:译为“The history of bloody crimes committed by the aggressors on Chinese soil shall never be falsified, let alone blotted out.”。其中“留下”不可直译为 “leave”,此处与crime搭配,相对应的动词应为commit。而短语let alone 作 “更不必说”解,相当于“much less”、“to say nothing of”或“not to speak of”。“篡改”、“抹煞” 分别译为“falsify”、“blot out”。

13. “历史只能还它本来的面目。”:译为“History should be shown in its true colors.”, 还可译为“History should be restored in its true features.。其中,“本来的面目”可译为 “true colors”或“true features”。

14. “四年前我在日本旅行的时候,广泛接触到日本各阶层的人民,他们对过去日本军国主义者侵占中国领土,都抱有沉重的赎罪心情。”,可采用断句法 ,分译成两个英语句子 。第一个句子“四年前 ……各阶层的人民”是汉语中的“偏正复句”,句中有表时间的词,故第一个英语句子译为时间状语从句“Four years ago, while traveling in Japan, I came into wide contact with Japanese people of various strata.”。译文中“strata”本意为 “阶层”。这里 “各阶层的人民”还可翻译为“people from all walks of life”。

15. “他们对过去日本军国主义者侵占中国领土 ,都抱有沉重的赎罪心情” :译为“They all felt deeply sorry for the Japanese militarists’ aggressive acts against China.”。其中 “领土”一词的意义已包含在“China”中,故采用省译法,无需翻译“territory”。类似情况还有:“紧张态势”翻译为“tension”;“封闭的状态”翻译为 “isolation”。

16. 划线部分第二段第二句“有一回,北海道的一户牧场主看见我们伏地便拜。这是我亲眼目睹的事实。”采用合译法,将两个汉语句子合译成一个完整的句子,译为“Once, I saw with my own eyes how the owner of a livestock farm in Hokkaido threw himself on the ground before us to show his remorse for the Japanese invasion of China.”。其中“throw oneself on..”作“猛扑到……”解。而“to show his remorse for the Japanese invasion of China”则是增译部分。


There is a titbit I would like to share with you, that is, I noticed General He whispering to his subordinates that he personally would like to keep the writing brush as a memento.

Now, the surrender documents have long since been consigned to the historical archives. And no one knows what has become of the writing brush that was used to sign the documents. History is inexorable, moving ahead according to its own course and direction. The great people of China have won the victory of the war of resistance to Japanese aggression and self-defence. Japanese militarism has ended in total defeat. The history of bloody crimes committed by the aggressors on Chinese soil shall never be falsified, let alone blotted out. History should be shown in its true colors.

Four years ago, while traveling in Japan, I came into wide contact with Japanese people of various strata. They all felt deeply sorry for the Japanese militarists’ aggressive acts against China. Once, I saw with my own eyes how the owner of a livestock farm in Hokkaido threw himself on the ground before us to show his remorse for the Japanese invasion of China. I well understood the feelings of the Japanese people. They, too, were victims of Japanese militarism.

It is now forty years to a day from September9, 1945 to September 9, 1985. Recalling my news-gathering of forty years ago has enabled me to review the past. It has also deepened my thoughts on history.




