

I 试题一览



1. 题目询问的关键

如2007年访谈的第1题:According to Nigel, most problems of air travel are caused by. 此题询问按照Nigel的观点,造成大多数空中交通问题的原因是什么,关键词为problems和cause。

又如2008年对话的第2题:Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Mary as a potential disadvantage? 此题询问Mary认为哪一个选项不是潜在问题,关键词为potential disadvantage。

再如2010年访谈的第3题:According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?此题询问到2025年,哪个地方的种族构成将发生重大变化,关键词为radical change和racial makeup。

又如2011年访谈的第2题:What does the example of Czech speakers show?此题询问捷克人学习语言的例子证明了什么,关键词在Czech。当找到题目关键后,应迅速将其划出。在听录音材料时,只要一听到这些词就应加倍注意。

2. 四个选项的不同点


How does David feel about the divorce of his parents?
A. He feels a sense of anger.    B. He has a sense of sadness.
C. It helped him grow up.        D. It left no effect on him.

四个选项的不同之处在于David对父母亲离婚的态度。A是anger;B是sadness;C是help;D是no effect。

Why did Miss Green want to leave the advertising agency?
A. She felt unhappy inside the company.
B. She felt work there too demanding.
C. She was denied promotion in the company.
D. She longed for new opportunities.

四个选项的不同之处在于Green小姐对原公司的看法。A是felt unhappy;B是work demanding;C是denied promotion;D是longed for new opportunities。

Toastmasters’ general approach to training can be summarized as .
A. practice plus overall training B. practice plus lectures
C. practice plus voice training D. practice plus speech writing

四个选项的不同之处在于Toastmasters的基本训练方法。A是overall training;B是lectures;C是voice training;D是speech writing。

Which of the following methods does NOT advocate speaking?
A. The direct method.
B. The audiolingual method.
C. The immersion method.
D. The traditional method.


II 笔记跟上


Toastmasters aims to train people to be all the following EXCEPT .
A. public speakers B. grammar teachers
C. masters of ceremonies D. evaluators
关于Toastmasters的训练方法,受采访者首先提到:Well, many people think Toastmasters is open only to those individuals who wish to be professional speakers. But that is definitely not true. Toastmasters is open to the public at large.可知选项A正确。后来她又说道:Different assignments within Toastmasters involve not only preparation of speeches and then presenting these before an audience, but also the opportunity of serving as toastmaster of the meeting. This assignment helps members practice being an MC for a meeting, that is, a master ofceremonies. Other assignments include serving as an evaluator for another speaker, or serving as grammarians who monitor use of fi ller words or phrases such as and, ah, er or you know... both of these assignments will allow the members to increase or enhance their listening skills. 这段话中直接提到了“a master of ceremonies”和“an evaluator for another speaker”,符合选项C和D。因此答案是B。


Which hypothesis deals with the role of language knowledge in the learning process?
A. The acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.
B. The comprehensible input hypothesis.
C. The monitor hypothesis.
D. The active fi lter hypothesis.
该访谈一开始介绍学习第二语言的困难之处,后来谈论教授第二语言的方法,这些都是考生熟悉的内容,比较容易理解。访谈的后半部分提到学习第二语言的理论假设,比较深奥,需要考生边听边记笔记,才能做出题目。当采访者询问“Since second language acquisition and teaching are a fascinating area for researchers, are there any theories to explain second language acquisition?”时,Harley博士回答道:... Today, I’d like to mention the five hypotheses proposed by Steven Krashen. 这时出现了hypotheses这个词,考生应开始记录。

Harley博士接下去说: The fi ve hypotheses form what he calls the “Monitor Model” of second language learning. 由此可知Monitor Model是Krashen五大假设的理论基石。之后Harley博士逐个解释这五个假设:The first hypothesis is the “Acquisition and Learning Distinction” hypothesis. According to Krashen, children acquire their fi rst language largely unconsciously and automatically. But, adults could only learn a second language consciously and effort fully. And adults could indeed acquire the second language, at least in part. ...His second hypothesis is the “Natural Order in Acquisition” hypothesis. Basically, he means that the order in which learners acquire syntactic rules is the same in both languages. ...The third hypothesis is the “Monitor” hypothesis, which is central to his theory. Here again, we come across the distinction between acquisition and learning. According to this hypothesis, the acquisition processes create sentences in the second language, right? But learning enables the development of a monitoring process to check and edit this output. The monitor uses knowledge of the rules, that’s why, as I said just now, learning is a conscious process. ...His fourth hypothesis is the “Comprehensible Input” hypothesis. In order to move from one stage to the next, the learner must understand the meaning and the form of the input. This emphasizes the role of comprehension. And fi nally, the “Active Filter” hypothesis. This suggests attitude and emotional factors are also important in second language acquisition.

1. Acquisition and Learning Distinction:
Children, fi rst language, unconsciously and automatically
Adults, second language, consciously and effort fully

2. Natural Order in Acquisition:
Order, learners acquire syntactic rules, the same in both languages

3. Monitor:
Central, distinction between acquisition and learning,
Acquisition—create sentences in second language
Learning—enable a monitoring process to check this output. The monitor uses
knowledge of the rules, learning is a conscious process

4. Comprehensible Input:
Learner understand meaning and form of input

5. Active Filter
Attitude, emotional factors, important in second language acquisition




