

1. 信息题

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about David’s personal background?
A. He had excellent academic records at school and university.
B. He was once on a PhD programme at Yale University.
C. He received professional training in acting.
D. He came from a single-parent family.

Which of the following is NOT part of her job with the Department of Employment?
A. Doing surveys at workplace. B. Analyzing survey results.
C. Designing questionnaires. D. Taking a psychology course.

2. 态度题

From the interview, we know that at present David feels .
A. a sense of frustration B. haunted by the unknown things
C. confi dent but moody D. successful yet unsatisfi ed

How does David feel about the divorce of his parents?
A. He feels a sense of anger. B. He has a sense of sadness.
C. It helped him grow up. D. It left no effect on him.

In Professor Wang’s opinion, technical skills.
A. require good education B. are secondary to education
C. don’t call for good education D. don’t confl ict with education

Which of the following is NOT Professor McKay’s view?
A. People change in old age a lot more than at the age of 21.
B. There are as many sick people in old age as in middle age.
C. We should not expect more physical illness among old people.
D. We should not expect to fi nd old people unattractive as a group.

Professor McKay is towards the tendency of more parents living apart from their children.
A. negative B. positive C. ambiguous D. neutral

How did Miss Green react to a heavier workload in the new job?
A. She was willing and ready. B. She sounded mildly eager.
C. She was a bit surprised. D. She sounded very reluctant.

We learn from the conversation that Freddy is Mary’s ideas.
A. strongly in favour of B. mildly in favour of
C. strongly against D. mildly against

Which of the following features of a creative personality is NOT mentioned in the interview?
A. Unconventional. B. Critical. C. Resolute. D. Original.

不难看出,要做好态度题,必须熟悉经常出现的体现态度的词汇,如2003年第4题的frustration(挫折),haunted(受折磨的),confident but moody(自信但忧郁的),successful yet unsatisfi ed(成功但不满足的);2003年第5题的anger(愤怒),sadness(悲伤),help(帮助),no effect(无用);2005年第4题的positive(肯定的),neutral(中立的);2006年第5题的willing and ready(愿意并准备好了),mildly eager(有一点愿意),a bit surprised(有点惊讶),very reluctant(非常不愿意);2008年第5题的strongly in favour of(完全赞同),mildly in favour of(略为赞同),strongly against(完全反对),mildly against(略为反对);2012年第4题的unconventional(不依惯例的),critical(挑剔的),resolute(果断的),original(新颖的)等。

积累了一定量的体现态度的词汇后,在听录音时就可以从一些词语或句子中推断出受采访者或对话人的态度,从而得出答案。如2008年对话的第5题询问Freddy对Mary意见的看法。该对话的主要内容是对建立新机场发表意见。Mary始终持否定态度并提出若干理由。Freddy对Mary的看法有些是同意的,有些并不同意。如:But, uh, airports do bring some local advantages. But, the airport infra... infrastructure relies on housing and other... ; Yes, you’re right. But, for a lot of people, personal contact is important. And this means travel, and means quick travel, air travel. And, uh, we just need a new airport. 由此可见,Freddy总体上反
对Mary的意见,但语气委婉,因此选择D(mildly against)。




