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很久很久以前,在一个美丽华贵的国度,善良而迷人的白雪公主(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)降生到这个世上。她用有让人欣羡的家境与童年,但是好景不长,她的母亲过早去世,祖国遭遇神秘的黑色军队袭击,更为绝望的是父王将偶然相遇的绝世美女拉文娜(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)迎为新的王后。选段中,白雪公主和猎人遇到了小矮人,当小矮人知道了白雪公主的真实身份时,便帮助了他们……
Huntsman: I’ sorry. I’m sorry.
Snow White: You’re not.
Huntsman: I am.
Snow White: You left us. We should never have been there.
Huntsman: Hey, look at me. I’ll take you to Duke Hammond’s , okay? All right? You have my word.
Huntsman and Snow White: Wait!
Beith: This is our lucky day.
Huntsman: . Dwarves.
Beith: The hedge-pig i loathe most in the world lands right in our lap.
Huntsman: Come on, Beith. Is it how you treat friend?
Beith: No,no,no. you puttock. This is how i treat a friend.
Nion: She's pretty.
Beith: And who's this? Is this an errant apprentice or captive?
Snow White: The man is helping me.
Gus: We should kill them both.
Duir: He's caused us nothing but trouble.
Gus: Skewer him and leave her to rot. I don't like killing girls.
Duir: I do.
Gus: Good.
Muir: Leave her alone, Duir.
Nion: He's got nothing. One silver coin and an empty codpiece.
Gort: Two days we sat here. What for? Nothing.
Gus: We should have stayed by the river. What a waste of time!
Huntsman: Cut us down, Beith. I have gold i can pay you. It's not here, it's hidden back in the woods.
Nion: Shut your ugly mug, huntsman. If you have any pennies, you would have pissed it away on mead by now.
Huntsman: Cut me down, then i'll show you.
Nion: Pull the other one, you lying dangler.
Snow White: Tell them the truth, huntsman. There's no time!
Huntsman: I have to take this girl to Hammond's. She's not safe here.
Gort: Well, my little heart bleeds for you. We should chop them up and feed them to the wolves.
All: Yeah, yes!
Beith: Who is she?
Huntsman: She's worth a lot of gold to me. Which i am happy to share with you stupid little dwarves. Stop that!
Snow White: Gold is worth nothing to any of you if you're all dead! The Queen's men hunt us! They're very close!
Gort: Shut up!
Snow White: You have love for the Queen?
Beith: We have no love for the Queen.
Snow White: Then you fight against her?
Gus: No one fights against the Queen.
Beith: We lost everything when the King died.
Nion: We fight only for ourselves!
All: Yes!
Snow White: My father was King Magnus.
Beith: Muir, does she speak the truth?
Muir: Yes, she if of the blood. She is destined, Beith. I see an end to the darkness.
The Queen's men: Riders!
Snow White: If you don't cut us down, we'll all be killed!
Gus: I don't like this, Beith. It smells like trouble.
Snow White: You'll find your weight in gold if you cut us down, now!
Gort: Shut up, Princess.
Gus: Queen's riders! And they're coming this way!
Beith: We'll take her, but not him!
Huntsman: What?
Snow White: No, both of us!
Beith: Cut them both down, Gort! Let's get the hell out of here!
The Queen's men: Move it! Move it!