

贺小米要养龙猫 2012-09-26 19:44
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Ken Lerner, perhaps most well known for his role as Principal Flutie in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is to guest star in an upcoming episode of The Big Bang Theory. Lerner will play a love interest of Mrs. Wolowitz (voiced by Carol Ann Susi), according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Ken Lerner扮演过最有名的角色应该是《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》里的Flutie校长,他将要去客串《生活大爆炸》第六季哦!《好莱坞报道》有报道称,Lerner将会扮演Mrs. Wolowitz的爱人。

Don't expect to be seeing more of Mrs. Wolowitz, though. Executive producer Steve Molaro told The Hollywood Reporter, "The glimpse on the rooftop is all you're going to get for now! Isn't she better left to the imagination? There are no plans to actually see her on camera and I think it's probably better that way.". Lerner will appear in the October 18 episode of the show, potentially when Howard will be returning from space.
即便是这样,大姐也不要指望能看到Wolowitz太太的真面目。《生活大爆炸》的执行制片人Steve Molaro说,“大家最多也就只能看到从屋顶的一!这样有益于大家发挥想象不是吗?目前还没有计划让Wolowitz太太出镜,我认为这样更好。”Lerner将会在10月18号的这一集出现,也就是Howard从太空回来之后。