1998年苹果推出iMac,简洁塑料外壳(the simplicity of the plastic),透亮水蓝(sea-green blue),设计精致。最让人称奇的是,电脑镶嵌了凹陷提手(there's a handle on it)。iMac是台式电脑(desktop computer),大多数人不会携带(not many people were going to carry around it),而凹陷提手有何用意呢?本期与你探秘iMac的经典创作。
Back then, people weren’t comfortable with technology. If you’re scared of something, then you won’t touch it. I could see my mum being scared to touch it. So I thought, if there’s this handle on it, it makes a relationship possible. It’s approachable. It’s intuitive. It gives you permission to touch. It gives a sense of its deference to you. Unfortunately, manufacturing a recessed handle costs a lot of money. At the old Apple, I would have lost the argument. What was really great about Steve is that he saw it and said, “That’s cool!” I didn’t explain all the thinking, but he intuitively got it. He just knew that it was part of the iMac’s friendliness and playfulness.(Chapter 27 THE IMAC: Back to the Future)
v.处理, 对待, 操作, 触, 买卖
n.把手, 柄
ivea. 直觉的
intuition n. 直觉,直觉的知识
nce n. 顺从,敬重
defer v.推迟, 延期, 使延期入伍,顺从, 把…委托给他人
4.iMac 简介
iMac是一款苹果电脑生产,针对消费者和教育市场的一体化苹果Macintosh电脑系列。 iMac的特点是它的设计。早在1998年苹果总裁斯蒂夫·乔布斯就将 "what's not a computer" (不是电脑的电脑) 概念应用于设计iMac的过程。结果造就了软糖--iMac G3,台灯--iMac G4和像框--iMac G5。 由于iMac在设计上的独特之处和出众的易用性,它几乎连年获奖。(下图分别为1998,2002,2004,2007,2011年机型)