
《吸血鬼日记》第四季发官方宣传海报 Elena变吸血鬼气场强大

贺小米要养龙猫 2012-09-04 09:45
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The Insider has our first official Season 4 promo pic – and of course it features Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, and Ian Somerhalder looking good in the cemetery, as you do.
The Insider网站发布了《吸血鬼日记》第四季首张宣传照——宣传照中Nina Dobreve、Paul Wesley和Ian Somerhalder这三位主演果断的是惊艳亮相了。

And as you can see in a new photo, exclusive to , things are quite grave in season four!

As for what the future holds now that Elena is "of the night," executive producer Julie Plec teases, "All these things that she's experienced with Damon and with Stefan will have different context for her as she's becoming this new person. "
接下来的故事中,Elena已经变成了黑夜的宠儿吸血鬼,该剧执行制片人Julie Plec说,“Elena可以算是走入一个新的境界,她和Damon与Stefan之前经历的事情对她来说有着不同的意义。”

The Vampire Diaries premieres October 11 at 8 p.m. on The CW.
