


1.I don't think Dan needs any help in that department

Department – area

Singing is definitely not my department!

A: How have you been sleeping lately?  Are you still getting insomnia?

B: Yeah…I’m not doing too well in that department.

2.Is he still dating up a storm?

Verb + up a storm – do something with a lot of energy, with great intensity

(1)Cook up a storm

(2)Talk up a storm

(3)Dance up a storm

That man was really smoking up a storm. The air around his head was practically white!

3.I can dump James just in time to go to the white party stag.

Dump – 甩掉

If he hits me one more time I’m gonnadump his ass on the curb.

Stag – unaccompanied (esp. a man unaccompanied by a woman)

I guess I’ll just go to Prom stag since my ex dumped me yesterday.

4.I can't believe that I get a job working for my literary idol, and he... and he cans me, you know?

Can (v) – fire,炒鱿鱼

If you show up late one more time I’m gonnacan you.

Can (n) – toilet

He’s been on the can for like 30 minutes already.  What’s taking so long?

wanna check out the competition.

Check out

Check out this website!

Stop checking out other girls!  You have a wife!

Let’s check out that new café downtown.

6.Spotted, Serena and Nate in a massive display of p.d.a...

PDA – Public Display of Affection

PDA should be banned, IMO.


