
《邪恶力量》第八季要玩吸血鬼 吸血规则大不同

贺小米要养龙猫 2012-08-19 15:00
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Vampires have been a presence on "Supernatural" since the first season -- a couple of years before the "Twilight" craze beganh. Back in Season 6, "Supernatural" did an episode that parodied the current romantic vampire mythology, propagated by shows like "True Blood" and "The Vampire Diaries" as well as the film series.

With all of the vampire shows and movies out there, we thought we'd help you brush up on the rules of vampire mythology in the "Supernatural" world. Here are the six things to remember going into Season 8:

1. Their teeth aren't pretty. Unlike the two sharp fangs from the "Twilight" series and most vampire TV shows, the "Supernatural" vampires look like something out of your shark week nightmare.
1. 吸血鬼们的牙齿很吓人。不像是《暮光之城》系列电影和大部分吸血鬼题材电视剧里那样,《邪恶力量》里的吸血鬼的牙可不是只有两颗大尖牙,他们的牙齿看起来就像是鲨鱼的牙齿那么恐怖。

2. Humans are turned into vampires by ingesting vamp blood. In Season 6, Dean was turned into a vampire when a vampire forced him to drink his blood. In "The Vampire Diaries," a person must die with vampire blood in her system and then feed on a human to turn. "True Blood" humans have to be bitten and drained of almost all their human blood before feeding on vampire blood. It's not such a process in "Supernatural."
2. 人类是通过吸收了吸血鬼的血液而变成吸血鬼的。在第六季中Dean就因为被一个吸血鬼强灌吸血鬼血液而变成吸血鬼过。在《吸血鬼日记》中,一个人要变成吸血鬼必须是在死之前吞下吸血鬼的血,在吸血鬼血液未排除体外之前死去才能转化为吸血鬼。在《真爱如血》中,人类要变成吸血鬼则是要先被咬,并且在喝吸血鬼血液之前把自己人类血液排除体外。在怎样变吸血鬼这个方面《邪恶力量》也有自己独特的规则。

3. Dead man's blood weakens them. Once injected with it, they're incapacitated for a bit... but not for long.
3. 死人的血可以削弱吸血鬼的力量。一旦吸血鬼被注入死人的血液,他们的力量会被削弱...但是作用时间不会太长。

4. There are a few ways to kill them. Vampires can die by having their heads cut off. In Season 6, Castiel also killed the vampire Lenore by touching her head. He's a boss like that.
4. 有几种方法可以杀死吸血鬼。砍掉吸血鬼的头可以杀死他们。在第六季中,Castiel杀Lenore的时候是用手碰了碰她的头。好吧,这是高人的做法。

5. There is a cure. Unlike some of the other major pop-culture vampires, "Supernatural" vampires can be cured of their condition -- but it isn't easy.
5. 被吸血鬼咬了是有治愈方法的。不像是其他流行的吸血鬼主题影视作品,《邪恶力量》中被吸血鬼咬了是可以治愈的——当然治愈办法也不容易。

6. Finally, all vampires are ruled by the Alpha. The Alpha vampire is the very first vampire.
6. 最后就是,所有吸血鬼都是受Alpha统治。Alpha是世上第一个吸血鬼。
