

沪江英语 2013-09-11 10:07
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Hello from L.A. and TCA!

Team EW has been working hard to bring you all the news coming out of the left coast this week (hence the Spoiler Room Evening Edition here!), but there’s plenty of spoilery stuff from the week that I saved just for y’all! Read on for deets.

Also, want more? Stay tuned. And make sure you send your questions to me.

As EW reported earlier this week, Leslie Mann is heading to New Girl. What we didn’t tell you? The very important plot point that sealed the deal. “[Mann] actually said she would do the show if she got to make out with Max Greenfield,” creator Liz Meriwether told me this past week at Fox’s TCA party. “So you may or may not get to see some amazing Max Greenfield and Leslie Mann making out in the premiere.”

Also in the season opener? Schmidt’s “re-launching” party — for his penis. “Schmidt is getting his penis cast off and he’s throwing himself a relaunching party. He’s relaunching his brand.,” she says. “There are a lot of new jokes about the way it healed.”

But director Jake Kasdan, who was recently nominated for an Emmy for his work on the show, says he’s not quite ready to let that storyline go. “I’m going to miss this story. Can we re-break it? Maybe it’s a chronic injury” he joked with Meriwether. She adds: “I think that’s a good idea, actually….When I was writing [the episode] today, I was like, ‘I just want to do three more broken d–k jokes!’”

Meanwhile, did you hear Jess’ parents are coming to town?

A group of 100+ reporters invaded the Revenge set yesterday, and tried (mostly in vain) to lure secrets out of the cast and EP Mike Kelley. But among the chatter? A little insight into Daniel (Joshua Bowman) and Ashley’s (Ashely Madekwe) relationship in the coming season, courtesy of Madekwe’s reveal that a fairly important shot was cut from the season finale. “[In] the original script, there was a shot of some clothes on the floor,” she said. “The way the clothes were shot, though, you didn’t know whose clothes they were. I think it was smart they shot it that way because it left it open. But in the end, they thought the drink was enough to hint at what would come and what might not come.”

So what will come? She’s mum. But the first episode, she said, will make the nature of Daniel and Ashley’s interactions pretty clear. “You see their relationship has developed. I’m not going to say in what vain or how, but it’s definitely developed,” she said.

美剧《复仇》(Revenge)片场昨日迎来了100多位前来探班采访的记者,但几乎没人能从该剧总制片人麦克·凯利(Mike Kelley)与演员们口中获得任何关于第二季的消息。不过还是有人在闲聊中不小心放松了口风,阿什丽·玛德克薇(Ashely Madekwe)透露第一季最后一集中剪掉了一段相当重要的镜头,她的描述让我们得以一窥丹尼尔(Daniel)与她扮演的阿什莉(Ashely )在第二季里的感情发展。“最初的剧本里有一个地板上散落着很多衣服的镜头,”阿什丽说。“但是那些衣服被拍得让你看不出来到底是谁脱掉的。我认为这么拍真是太妙了,因为有许多想象空间。然而后来制作人觉得丹尼尔和阿什莉一起喝酒足以表明后来发生的事,于是那个镜头就被剪掉了。”




英国演员巴里·斯罗恩(Barry Sloane)加盟第二季,他的角色除了是艾米莉(Emily)的老朋友之外,还有可能是她的新恋人。对于此人的到来,凯利表示:”艾米莉的真实身份将被彻底探究一番。“

诺兰(Nolan)交上新女友,然而加百利·曼恩(Gabriel Mann)却说是男是女并不重要。”我觉得只要能和全心全意地爱他或者让他体会到被爱的人在一起,诺兰就会很幸福。诺兰会找到属于自己的爱情吗?第二季会给出答案,让我们一同期待吧。”曼恩说。

杰克(Jack)似乎并不因为阿曼达(Amanda)回到自己身边而感到快乐。“继续和她在一起,只是出于责任感而已。我还是很关心她,不过......我对她的感情已经变淡了。”尼克·维切斯勒(Nick Wechsler)解释道。那么杰克会不会要求做亲子鉴定呢?“这个还有待讨论。”尼克没有给出一个明确回答。
