

沪江英语 2013-09-11 10:07
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Actors from Revenge have been able to ward off questions about the Season 1 cliffhangers by claiming to have not read the scripts yet.

But soon, they’ll be out of excuses!

Series star Gabriel Mann recently tweeted that the show will start filming in less than a month, saying:

#REVEN8E starts shooting S2 july 16th! summer #hamptons here we come. back to #GetSome. #revengers assemble— Gabriel Mann (@Gabriel_Mann) June 23, 2012.

Unfortunately, we have to wait until the fall (probably around September 2012) to see what happens to Emily Thorne, the Graysons, and Nolan Ross.



本剧中诺兰·罗斯(Nolan Ross)的扮演者加布里埃尔·曼在推特上说只有不到一个月的时间,《复仇》第二季就要开拍了:“《复仇》第二季将在7月16日开始拍摄!夏天的汉普顿(Hampton),我们来了。我已经准备好了,复仇者们,集合!”

但很不爽的是,我们却得等到今年秋天(大概是九月)才能与艾米莉·索恩(Emily Thorne),格雷森一家(Graysons)还有诺兰见面。
