

Oh "Game of Thrones!" Cable just won't be the same without you. Season 2 is almost over and "Blackwater" has aired. Only one more episode left and so much to look forward to. Zap2it just let you know which new characters we'll be seeing in Season 3. Now we have one more Westeros-related present for you.

"Valar Morghulis," the Season 2 finale of "Game of Thrones" will run an extra ten minutes. Yes, there will be even more goodness. Will it be enough to tide you over until next year? Probably not. Will it mean you'll get more wrap up and possibly dragon-y goodness? Yes.

Now the fly in the ointment. Some DVR's won't pick up the last few minutes. You might want to call your cable company and see if this will be a problem. Better yet, watch it live. Let us know what moments you're the most excited to see. Valar Morghulis!

沪江娱乐快讯: 哦!《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)啊!HBO要是没了你该怎么办啊。第二季已经临近结束,《黑水河之战》已经播出。现在只剩下最后一集了,好多期待等着我们。之前我们已经发布新闻,告诉大家第三季中将出现的众多新人物。

这里还有一则关于维斯特洛大陆的礼物要送出。《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第二季大结局《凡人皆有一死》(Valar Morghulis)播出时将加长10分钟。是滴,到时将会有更多的精彩。这样就足够让大家撑到明年回归吗?够呛啊!那么这将意味着大家能看到更多的情节梳理,或许还有跟小龙有关的精彩故事?肯定滴!美中不足的就是,一些DVR将无法录制这段额外的10分钟。也许你该打给有线电视公司查询一下。不过最好就是准时收看直播。
