

"It's funny because I just got that question recently," Chace Crawford told E! News."
这真有趣,因为我最近刚刚被问到了这样的问题。“切斯·克劳福(Chace Crawford)告诉记者。

"It had never even crossed my mind so it was like, that's weird ... I don't know if I want that, or do not want that. I don't know what the logistics would be on that. I would imagine it's a long shot. Who knows?"

If it's up to him, Gossip Girl Season 6 will end with a bang. In a manner of speaking.

"Like the end of Die Hard," he joked. "Just walking away from an exploding helicopter."

Crawford, who can be seen in What to Expect When You're Expecting, is also set to star alongside Pierce Brosnan as a South African accused of murder in director Bruce Beresford's The House Gun.
克劳福不仅参演了《孕期完全指导》(“What to Expect When You're Expecting”),也将与皮尔斯·布伦丹(Pierce Brosnan)一同出演由布鲁斯⋅贝尔斯福德(Bruce Beresford)导演的《私藏枪械》(“The House Gun”),在其中饰演一个被指控谋杀的南非人。

What do you think of the idea of a Gossip Girl movie? Would you like to see it? What would the plot be? Would it involve all of the original cast members? Share your thoughts with us below!