

沪江英语 2012-05-17 08:15
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Matt Bomer consoles his son Kit at the 19th Annual Revlon Run/Walk for Women fundraiser on Saturday (May 12) in Los Angeles.

The 34-year-old actor was also joined by his partner Simon Halls at the event.

Matt and his Glee co-star Darren Criss recently responded to Gotye‘s comments about their rendition of his song “Somebody That I Used to Know.”

“Art is totally subjective. I’m not a big mudslinger, so whatever,” Matt told Showbiz Tonight.

“I’ve been a long time Gotye fan…The fact that Gotye even knows who I am and what my name is, I am super thrilled,” Darren added. “I was not mad or disturbed at all by what he said…He’s allowed to say whatever he wants.”

沪江娱乐快讯:前段时间,孔雀在客串《欢乐合唱团》时与达伦·克里斯共同翻唱了Gotye的歌曲《Somebody That I Used to Know》,引来了锅贴大哥的一些负面评价。近日孔雀和达伦对此作出了回应。孔雀说:“艺术本就是很主观的,我不喜欢去随便评价。所以,随便啦。”达伦说:“我一直是锅贴大哥的粉丝。锅贴大哥竟然知道我的名字,这已经让我很兴奋了。他的评价并不会扰乱我的心情。他有权说他想说的话。”