

Fresh off the official news that The Vampire Diaries is sticking around for another season, series star Ian Somerhalder visited the THR Cover Lounge to chat about next week’s finale.
官方刚刚公布了《吸血鬼日记》第四季获续定的消息,剧集主演伊恩•萨默海尔德近日造访the THR Cover Lounge,畅聊将于下周播出的第三季大结局。

What is known of the season three closer is this: flashbacks highlight Matt and Elena’s imperfect relationship, Mystic Falls in simpler times and the accident that killed Elena’s parents. “It’s a small little runner that goes throughout the episode as Elena is looking back at a part of her life when things were more simple, at least from a supernatural level,” executive producer Julie Plec said in April.

With Elena’s decision about what her future might look like (with Damon, with Stefan or with neither) looming, what was the final scene Somerhalder shot?

“I was getting my ass kicked,” he recalled. “The last shot of the finale of the show, [I’m] just getting beaten down. I got my ass kicked a lot in that episode.”



Vampire Diaries is known to pull the rug from under you, so how bloody will the finale get?

“The season three finale will have some red blood cells in it,” Somerhalder said. “It’s pretty bloody.”



But the actor hints that Damon will rise to his true potential by the end of the season in the way “the audience needs him to.”“At the end of this season, he actually starts using a little more logic and it’s refreshing,” he reveals.What are your thoughts on what this could mean?

The Vampire Diaries airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.