



Achieving a successful merger从文化的角度入手分析如何成功并购,指出两个公司间的文化冲突往往是导致公司并购失败的原因。作者又举出数据和实例来论证自己的观点。

第一题:并购在什么情况下会出现问题:根据第一段的最后一句话,If there is a culture clash between the two companies in the way their people work, then all the efforts of the financiers and lawyers to strike a deal may have been in vain.关键词culture clash,文化冲突会导致并购失败。反应在选项中应该是C.冲突无法解决。

第二题:根据Chris Bolton所述,很多机构为并购所做的准备是什么。这是一道细节题,根据人名定位到第二段,Corporates, he explains, concentrate their efforts before a merger on legal, technical and financial matters. 公司集中精力在法律、技术以及经济因素上,所做这些都是为了保障公司利益。BCD选项都有提到,但不是“很多”公司的重点。因此排除选A。

第三题:文章所给两个医药公司并购失败的原因。依题定位到第三段的倒数第二句:the chief executives of the two companies could not agree which of them was to head up the new organisation.两个公司就谁来领导新的机构的问题上无法达成一致。所以选D。Personal rivalry指人与人之间相互不服气,敌对,竞争。

第四题:focus group可以在哪些方面帮助公司;focus group出现在原文第四段,从第四段所举的例子和阐述推断,经过focus group的调查,当两个合并公司的文化完全不同时,需要建立一种全新的文化。。AC项没有提到,排除;B项提到了,但文中并未就此展开论述,focus group在这段实例中体现的主要是调查公司是否契合,因此选C。

第五题:在一个新合并的公司里创造新的文化意味着什么。第五段出现了new culture, 定位到下一句“This means taking the best from both sides and making a new organisation that everyone can accept.”吸取双方优点,建议一个人人都能接受的新组织。CD与文意相反,排除,A项未提及,因此选B。

第六题:根据全文,跨文化分析将会表明什么。根据题干中的intercultural analysis定位至最后一段,答案在最后一句:It identifies how people, money and time are managed in a company, and investigates the business customs of the country and how its politics, economics and history impact on the way business is done. 研究这个国家的政治、经济和历史是怎么影响商业行为的。选项B符合,而AC未提及,D项属跨文化分析应做的事情,而非即将产生的效果或影响,排除。看看这个国家的政治、经济和历史是怎么影响商业行为的。也就是考察宏观的国家背景对微观的经济个体的影响。选B:国家背景怎样影响公司的运行方式。



评析:本篇文章选自《每日邮报》,讲述的是发生在2011年9月份发生在美国纽约曼哈顿的“占领华尔街”事件。文章的一开头就提到enters its third week,表示该文将会对此次华尔街事件的最新进展进行报道。随后,作者就在接下来提出游行者为了能让自己的声音被听到,创造了很多海报。需要注意的是阅读理解的首段非常重要,一般西方人写文章都会在首段将整篇文章的中心点出来,而前面作者提到的demonstrators are making increasingly creative placards to ensure their voices are heard就是本篇文章的中心。所以,在接下来的几段都是在详细描述这些极富有特色海报的具体内容。考生在看到某些对具体海报的描述时可以适当地略过,不妨等题目中出现了对某海报细节的考察时再回过头来仔细阅读该段。当然,在略过的时候可以适当地将某些海报的关键词划出来,方便之后回到原文来找答案。





1. In the first paragraph we learn that Discovery Initiatives
A offers trips that no other tour company offers.
B organizes trips to places where few tourists go.
C has decided to respond to its customers complaints.
D has already succeeded in changing the kind of tourist it attracts.

2. Julian Matthews thinks that the function of the company is to
A get people involved in environmental work.
B influence the way other tour companies operate.
C inform. holidaymakers about environmental damage.
D co-operate with foreign governments to promote eco-tourism.

解析:隐含信息题。第一段先谈到近年来旅游地的居民常常因为越来越多的摄像机对准他们,而感觉到生活严重受影响。一些旅游人群稀少的地方,更是如此,他们更加不习惯被旅游者拍摄。因此,一些旅行社通过与这些旅游人群较少到达的地方沟通以后,专门带团进行深度游。最后,这一段的倒数第二句,就进一步指出,Discovery Initiatives也在组织类似的旅游项目。它们组织这种旅游项目的理由,最初也是为了使游客能前往这些其他旅游者不常去的地方。因此,答案选B。

解析:细节题。第二段的第一句“Matthews says he is providing 'holidays without guilt', insisting that Discovery Initiatives is not a tour operator but an environmental support company. ” Matthews认为他们Discovery Initiatives不是一个经营旅游的运营者,而是强调它是一个支持环境保护的公司。因此,答案为A。

3. What does Matthews say in the third paragraph about cameras and camcorders?
A They give local people a false impression of holidaymakers.
B They discourage holidaymakers from intruding on local people.
C They prevent local people from learning about other societies.
D They encourage holidaymakers to behave unpredictably.


4. What is Mathews keen for clients to realize?
A that certain behaviour may spoil their enjoyment of a trip.
B that they may find certain local customs rather surprising.
C that it is likely that they will not be allowed in certain places.
D that the brochure does not contain all the information they need.


5. Which of the following does Chris Parrot believe?
A Tourists are likely to agree to travel without cameras.
B Local people may react angrily towards tourists who use cameras.
C Tourists are becoming more sensitive about their use of cameras.
D Camcorders always cause more trouble with local people than cameras.

解析:细节题。文中第四段Chris Parrot说,在拉丁美洲的一次旅行中,那些带摄像机的游客,未经许可拍照,遭到了当地居民的“番茄袭击”。也就是说,当地居民会对使用相机感到愤怒。因此,答案为B。

6. Crispin Jones says that his company
A expects its staff to prevent problems over the use of cameras.
B seldom encounters problems regarding the use of cameras.
C is going to decide on a firm policy regarding the use of cameras.
D advises clients about the use of cameras before they leave.

解析:细节题。文中第五段Crispin Jones说,对于照相机会构成冒犯的旅游地,他们将要求导游在解说时指出来。因为一般游客都会听从导游的指示。因此,答案为A。

7. Which of the following best summarises the view of Earthwatch?
A Too many tour operators ignore the problems caused by cameras.
B Most tourists realize when they have caused offence to local people.
C There are more problems concerning the use of cameras these days.
D Cameras enable people to be detached from places they visit.

解析:细节题。最后一段中,通过Earthwatch公司的市场总监Ed Wilson所说的那段话最后一句可知,要解决游客不使用照相机的问题,最关键的还是要灌输给游客一种观念,旅游的感受是重在当时的感受,而不是原原本本地去记录旅游中的一切。因此,答案为D。

8. The word intrusive in the text means...
A becoming involved in something in a way that is not welcome.
B behaving towards other people in a pleasant way.
C willing to do things that are unfair, dishonest, or illegal.
D deserving to be blamed for something that has happened.

解析:词汇题。intrusive出在文中第四段 Mathews 谈论照相机会造成旅途不愉快的问题这一段。而根据后文,因为便携式照相机可以很快就看到被照对象的影像,所以,让旅游地的当地居民更容易感到私生活受了侵犯,因此,是不受欢迎的。答案为A。





