

沪江英语 2012-03-20 08:45
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HBO’s hugely successfaul fantasy epic “Game of Thrones” may officially be on the Iron Throne with the biggest first-week DVD sales total of any series in HBO’s history.

Season 1 DVD sales have reached about 350,000 units in the first seven days following its March 6 sales debut. That number beats out any other HBO-related DVD including ones from “True Blood”, “Boardwalk Empire”, and “The Sopranos.”
Last week, I wrote why it is a must-own for fans. Looks like a lot of folks agree with me.

The series also broke sales records for HBO on digital downloads from outlets such as iTunes.

In the newest “Entertainment Weekly” issue, “Game of Thrones” takes over the cover and includes a feature article on Season 2. Included in the article is the fact that there have been almost 9 million views of each episode through channel airings, HBO Go, and On Demand service.

HBO官方表示,《权力的游戏》第一季DVD自3月6号发行以来,首周狂销35万套,这一销量成绩远超过HBO电视网历史上其它诸如《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)、《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)和《真爱如血》(True Blood)等著名剧集。

