
傲慢与偏见:Chapter 16(1/5)

2012-02-18 21:10
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Mr. Wickham
Mr. Darcy

When Mr. Wickham walked into the room, Elizabeth felt that she had neither been seeing him before, nor thinking of him since, with the smallest degree of unreasonable admiration. ________1________.
Mr. Wickham did not play at whist, and when the card-tables were placed, was therefore at leisure to talk to Elizabeth. _______2_______ -- the history of his acquaintance with Mr. Darcy. She dared not even mention that gentleman. _______3________. He inquired how far Netherfield was from Meryton; and, _______4_________.
"About a month, " said Elizabeth; and then, unwilling to let the subject drop, added, "He is a man of very large property in Derbyshire, I understand. "
"Yes, " replied Mr. Wickham; "his estate there is a noble one. A clear ten thousand per annum. _______5________, for I have been connected with his family in a particular manner from my infancy. "
"You may well be surprised, Miss Bennet, at such an assertion, ______7_______?"
"As much as I ever wish to be." cried Elizabeth warmly. "He is not at all liked in Hertfordshire. _______8________. "
Mr. Wickham was the happy man towards whom almost every female eye was turned, and Elizabeth was the happy woman by whom he finally seated himself She was very willing to hear him, though what she chiefly wished to hear she could not hope to be told Her curiosity, however, was unexpectedly relieved. Mr. Wickham began the subject himself after receiving her answer, asked in a hesitating manner how long Mr. Darcy had been staying there You could not have met with a person more capable of giving you certain information on that head than myself Elizabeth could not but look surprised after seeing, as you probably might, the very cold manner of our meeting yesterday. Are you much acquainted with Mr. Darcy Everybody is disgusted with his pride. You will not find him more favourably spoken of by anyone
韦翰先生一走进来,伊丽莎白就觉得,无论是上次看见他的时候也好,从上次见面以来想起他的时候也好,她都没有错爱了他。韦翰先生是当天最得意的男子,差不多每个女人的眼睛都朝着他看;伊丽莎白是当天最得意的女子,韦翰终于在她的身旁坐了下来。 韦翰先生没有玩“惠斯脱”,当牌桌摆好后,他从容不迫地跟伊丽莎白谈话。伊丽莎白很愿意听他说话,很想了解一下他和达西先生过去的关系,可是她要听的他未必肯讲。于是她提也不敢提到那位先生。后来出人意料之外,韦翰先生竟自动地谈到那个问题上去了。因此她的好奇心到底还是得到了满足。韦翰先生问起尼日斐花园离开麦里屯有多远。她回答了他以后,他又吞吞吐吐地问起达西先生已经在那儿待了多久。 伊丽莎白说:“大概有一个月了。”为了不愿意让这个话题放松过去,她又接着说:“据我所知,他是德比郡一个大财主。” “是的,”韦翰回答道。“他的财产很可观,每年有一万镑的净收入。说起这方面,谁也没有我知道得确实,因为我从小就和他家里有特别的关系。” 伊丽莎白不禁显出诧异的神气。 “班纳特小姐,你昨天也许看到我们见面时那种冷冰冰的样子了吧,难怪你听了我的话会觉得诧异。你同达西先生很熟吗?” “我也只希望跟他这么熟就够了,”伊丽莎白冒火地叫道。“哈福德郡根本就没有人喜欢他。他那副傲慢的气派,哪一个见了都讨厌。你绝不会听到人家说他一句好话。”