

2012-02-06 14:30
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  'I don't understand this,' Bjaaland thought. 'Why is Amundsen talking about the North Pole, with a map of Antarctica behind him?'
   (1) No one said anything.
  ' (2) ' he said. 'Very near Antarctica, you know. And Captain Scott, the Englishman, is going to the South Pole this year. He wants to put his British flag there. An American flag at the North Pole, a British flag at the South Pole.'
  Bjaaland began to understand. (3)
  'Well, boys,' Amundsen said slowly. 'Do we want the British to put their flag at the South Pole first? How fast can we travel? (4) —Bjaaland here is the best in Norway! So I have an idea, boys. Let's go to the South Pole, and put the Norwegian flag there before the British! What do you say?'
  For a minute or two it was very quiet. Amundsen waited, and the men watched him and thought. Then Bjaaland laughed.
  'Yes!' he said.' Why not? It's a ski race, isn't it, and the English can't ski! It's a wonderful idea, of course! Let's go!'
  On October 27th, the Terra Nova arrived in Wellington, New Zealand. (5)
  'Captain Scott! Captain Scott! Can I talk to you, please!' he said.
  Scott stopped and smiled. 'Yes, of course,' he said. 'What do you want to know?'
Amundsen stopped for a minute, and looked at all the men slowly. We have to go a long way south before we get to Alaska, He started to smile and couldn't stop, he was warm and excited. We have a lot of dogs, and some of the most wonderful skiers on earth When Scott came off the ship, a newspaper man walked up to him.
“我听不懂这些话,”比阿兰德心想,“阿蒙森身后挂着南极洲地图,为什么却大谈北极呢?”   阿蒙森稍作停顿,缓缓地看着全体人员。这时没有任何人多嘴。   “到阿拉斯加前,还得南行好远的路,”他说。“你们都知道,几乎是到了南极洲。英国人斯科特队长今年正赶往南极。他想将英国国旗插在那儿。美国国旗已经插上了北极,而英国国旗正插向南极。”   比阿兰德开始省悟了,脸上露出了微笑,难以自制。他浑身暖洋洋的,亢奋不已。   “好吧,伙计们,”阿蒙森缓缓地说,“眼睁睁地看着英国人将他们的旗帜首先插上南极,我们能同意吗?我们的前行速度非常之快,不是吗?我们不仅带着许多狗,而且拥有地球上最杰出的滑雪能手:我们这儿的比阿兰德便是全挪威最优秀的!所以,我有个主意,伙计们。咱们到南极去,赶在英国国旗之前,将挪威国旗插到那儿去!你们有何看法?”   一时间,整个场面安静极了。阿蒙森等待着,而这些人看着他,考虑着这些。这时,比阿兰德朗笑出声。   “对!”他说,“为什么不呢?这是场滑雪比赛,难道不是吗?再说,英国人不会滑雪!这主意绝妙之极!咱们就去那儿!”   10月27日,特若·诺瓦号船抵达新西兰的惠灵顿。当斯科特走下船时,一位报社记者迎面走来。   “斯科特队长!斯科特队长!我能与你谈谈吗?”他说。   斯科特停下来,面带微笑。“行,当然可以!”他说,“你想知道什么?”