

2012-01-24 11:00
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Homeland Security
No Child 
Left Behind

Frequent travelers who pass an extensive background check will be able to scan their passports and fingerprints and skip long lines at immigration at more airports. We're gonnaexpand the number of countries where visitors can get pre-cleared by Homeland Security so they don't need a tourist visa. And we're gonna speed up visa processing for countries with growing middle classes that can afford to visit America, countries like China and Brazil. We want more visitors coming here. We want them spending money here. It's good for our economy, and it will help provide the boost more businesses need to grow and to hire. And we can't wait to make it happen. Too often over the last few months, we've seen Congress drag its feet and refuse to take steps we know will help strengthen our economy. That's why this is the latest in a series of actions I've taken on my own to help our economy keep growing, creating jobs, and restoring security for middle-class families. In September, we decided to stop waiting for Congress to fix No Child Left Behind and give states the flexibility they need to help our kids meet higher standards.
经常旅行的人经过一个广泛的背景检查能够扫描他们的护照和指纹和跳过排长队在入境在更多机场。我们将扩大国家的数量,这样访问者可以pre-cleared由国家安全,所以他们不需要的是旅游签证。我们要加快发展国家签证处理中产阶级能承受访问美国,国家,如中国和巴西。 我们希望更多的游客到这里来。我们希望他们花钱在这里。这对我们的健康有好处的经济,它将有助于促进更多企业需要成长和雇用我。我们迫不及待地想让它发生。 常常在过去的几个月里,我们已经看到了拖着脚,国会拒绝采取措施我们知道将有助于加强我们的经济。这就是为什么这是最近一系列的行动我承担自己的来帮助我们的经济持续增长、扩大就业、和恢复为中产阶级家庭的安全。 年九月,我们决定停下来等待国会修不让一个孩子掉队,给美国的灵活性,他们需要帮助我们的孩子面临更高的标准。 ——译文来自: 纯白色的夏天