

2012-01-14 14:00
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【TED】是一个会议的名称,它是英文technology,entertainment, design三个单词的首字母缩写。它是社会各界精英交流的盛会,这里有当代最杰出的思想家,这里有当代最优秀的科学家,这里有迸发着最闪耀的思想火花,这里孕育着最光辉的梦想。


I've shown you just a few things in italics here. I could have shown a number of other problems. They're all problems that tend to be more common at the bottom of the social gradient. But there are endless problems with social gradients that are worse in more unequal countries not just a little bit worse, but anything from twice as common to 10 times as common. Think of the expense, the human cost of that. I want to go back though to this graph that I showed you earlier where we put it all together to make two points. One is that, in graph after graph, we find the countries that do worse, whatever the outcome, seem to be the more unequal ones, and the ones that do well seem to be the Nordic countries and Japan. So what we're looking at is general social disfunction related to inequality. It's not just one or two things that go wrong, it's most things.
我已经展示过的在这里用斜体字标记。 我还可以展示一些其它的问题。那些问题都更普遍存在 于社会梯度的底层。但是社会梯度存在着无穷的题,这些问题在不平等的国家显得更糟,不仅仅是一点点糟, 而是什么都要差到2 倍, 10 倍。想想花费,人力成本的花费。 我想回到这张先前展示过的图 我们把所有都结合起来 为了说明两点。 第一,通过一张复一张的图表,我们发现那些表现较差的国家, 无论什么, 都似乎是那些更不平等的国家, 但是那些表现得好的 似乎都是北欧和日本。 所以我们看到的是 普遍社会紊乱与不平等之间的关系。 不仅仅是一两件事出了问题, 而是几乎所有事。