
新休假方案进入最后论证 五一黄金周可能被撤

2007-10-08 23:56
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China to Adjust Public Holidays to Ease Tourism Burden


China is planning to readjust its public holidays to relieve the increasingly heavier burden placed on its hot tourist attractions during "Golden Weeks".

The newspaper Monday reported that the administration had drafted a proposal suggesting several adjustment strategies. The proposal is expected to go to the National People's Congress for discussion and possible approval.

At the close of the nation's National Day holidays, also the 21st Golden Week since the system was introduced in 1999, golden weeks over the past eight years have brought about huge returns for the nation's tourism industry. However, voices calling for cancellation of the nationwide holidays are becoming ever stronger as such rush-day travels have posed big pressures on nationwide transportation, accommodation and environmental protection.

According to a survey launched by a mainland media outlet, 61.46 percent of a total of 3,071 participants in the survey are in favor of making changes to such public holidays.

Experts also say that current week-long holidays that fall on every May 1st and October 1st are not an ideal way for people to take a break. Holiday makers blindly follow the overwhelming push of the tourism administration to rush between different sight-seeing spots without even taking enough rests. Moreover, these travelers have also caused a big headache to accommodation and transportation services in tourist locations, said Wang Jianmin, a researcher from the Tourism Research Centre of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The survey also finds that there is an increasing number of advocates who suggest the prolonging of rest days over traditional Chinese festivals, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
中新网10月8日电 随着第25个黄金周落幕,内地再掀对“黄金周”的存废争议。香港《文汇报》报道,从“黄金周”实施9年来持续攀升的统计数据可见,长假对释放潜在的消费需求,拉动内需的作用有目共睹;但是,当国人的休假日高度集中到同一时段,旅游景点和相关公共设施的“超负荷”以及随之衍生的连串问题也开始凸显,社会上改革“黄金周”的呼声日高。报道称,国家旅游局官员透露,现行的休假制度势将调整,有关部门的新休假方案目前已到最后论证阶段,只待上报全国人大审议通过。


调整休假 或撤五一黄金周

国家旅游局相关官员向该报明确指出,有关部门对现行的休假制度进行调整是必定的,各部门经调研得出的具体方案目前已到最后论证阶段,只待依法律程序上报全国人大审议通过。这位官员表示,“黄金周”这一现行休假制度保留与否,以及将传统节日增设为法定假日,并非一项简单工作,必须经过慎重研究后才能决定,有关新休假制度的具体方案虽已基本确定,但仍未能公布,不过可以肯定的是,重要的民族传统节日将被纳入法定假日。(中国新闻网 葛冲、轶玮、岳仿嶙、刁成 何灵芝)


