
吸血鬼日记:第一季第十六集(3) Elena&Stefan


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Stefan: So, you didn't recognize him? You haven't seen him before?
Elena: No, there was nothing from her. There wasn't at all.
Stefan: All right. Let's call it a night. You know? Send Matt and Caroline home?
Elena: You know, the whole point of tonight was to not have to deal with this stuff. _______1________ _______2_______
Stefan: You sure?
Elena: ______3_______ But I don't know what else to do. Look, if there's another vampire in town, he’ll still be here tomorrow. ______4______
Stefan: Ok. Oh, it's them. Come here.
We need to get through one night. One normal night. No, I’m not sure. We'll deal with it tomorrow.
Stefan:你不认识他? 你从来没见过他? Elena:没, 对他一点印象都没有。 Stefan:好吧, 今晚就到这吧好吗? 送Matt和Caroline回家吧? Elena:其实今晚就是为了远离这样的事,一晚也好。一个正常的晚上 Stefan:你确定? Elena:不,我不确定。但是我不知道还能怎么做。如果镇上还有别的吸血鬼他明天也一样还在,我们明天再处理这个吧。 Stefan:好。噢,是他们。来~