

2011-11-03 13:30
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作者沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson),美国著名的传记作家。是乔布斯唯一授权传记。读完全书你会发现,乔布斯并非完美;光鲜耀眼的背后,还有另一个不为人知的乔布斯——自私、冷漠、固执、矛盾,习惯谎言与背叛,兼具强横与脆弱的内心。

Alan Turing
Palo Alto
Laurene Powell


After I had deflected his suggestion that I write a biography of him, I heard from him every now and then. At one point I emailed to ask if it was true, as my daughter had told me, that the Apple logo was an homage to Alan Turing, the British computer pioneer who broke the German wartime codes and then committed suicide by biting into a cyanide-laced apple. He replied that he wished he had thought of that, but that he hadn't. That started an exchange about the early history of Apple, and I found myself gathering string on the subject, just in case I ever decided to do such a book. When my Einstein biography came out, he came to a book event in Palo Alto and pulled me aside to suggest, again, that he would make a good subject. His persistence baffled me. He was known to guard his privacy, and I had no reason to believe he'd ever read any of my books. Maybe someday, I continued to say. But in 2009 his wife, Laurene Powell, said bluntly, "If you're ever going to do a book on Steve, you'd better do it now." He had just taken a second medical leave. I confessed to her that when he had first raised the idea, I hadn't even known he was sick. Almost nobody knew, she said. He had called me right before he was going to be operated on for cancer, and he was still keeping it a secret, she explained.
在拒绝了帮他写传记的建议后,我还是是不是收到一些他的消息。有一次,我发电子邮件询问他,苹果公司的标识是不是如同我女儿告诉我的一样,是在向伟大的英国计算机先驱阿兰·图灵致敬。图灵破译了战争时期德国的电码,最后却适用浸过氰化物的苹果自杀了。乔布斯回复我说,他希望自己曾经考虑过这一点,但实际上并没有。从这件事起,我开始逐渐了解了苹果公司的早期历史,并一点一点搜集这方面的资料,没准儿哪天我想写一本这方面的书呢。我的爱因斯坦传记出版后,有一次,在帕罗奥图的一个新书活动上,乔布斯把我拉到一边,再一次提出,以他为主题的书肯定很有意思。 他的坚持让我很为难。众所周知他非常注意保护自己的隐私,而我想他应该从来没有看过我写的书。也许将来的某个时候吧,我还是这么说。但是到了2009年,他的妻子劳伦·鲍威尔对我直言不讳地说:“如果你真的打算写一本史蒂夫的书,最好现在就开始。”他当时刚刚第二次因病休假。我向劳伦坦承,当乔布斯第一次提出这个想法时,我并不知道他病了。几乎没有人知道,她说。他是在接受癌症手术之前给我打的电话,直到今天他还将此事作为一个秘密,她这么解释道。
相关热点: 乔布斯 辽宁科技大学