
畅谈世界文化:54 不老常青藤 (1/2)

2011-10-08 14:22
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Ivy League 常青藤联盟
Caswell Adams 卡斯威尔 亚当斯
New York Tribune 《纽约先驱论坛报》
Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale.
Princeton University
Council of Ivy Group Presidents 常青藤联盟常委会
Executive Director 执行董事
Jeffrey H. Orleans 杰弗里 奥尔良
I'm going to America in the summer and need some info. Well, being an American myself I'd be happy to help. What can you tell me about the Ivy League? I know it's about football, but doesn't it include other sports too? Yes, not only football, today it's known for its level of success of athletic scholarships while keeping high academic standards. The Ivy League crowns champions in more than 35 sports for men and women. I see, so for example, lacrosse, ice hockey, fencing, soccer, rowing, squash and many others. That's right. The name Ivy League came from a journalist, Caswell Adams of the New York Tribune in 1937. It consists of eight top American universities, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale. It's located on the campus of Princeton University, and is still known officially as the Council of Ivy Group Presidents, right? Yes, and it continues to grow because of the great Executive Director, Jeffrey H. Orleans, who took the post in 1984.
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