
万物简史:PART II CH 4事物的测定(7)

2011-09-02 06:30
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[-1-], a few times in history, a human mind produces an observation so acute and unexpected that people can't quite decide which is the more amazing—the fact or the thinking of it. Principia was one of those moments. It made Newton instantly famous. [---2---] Even the great German mathematician Gottfried von Leibniz, with whom Newton had a long, bitter fight over priority for the invention of the calculus, thought his contributions to mathematics equal to all the accumulated work that had [-3-] him. “Nearer the gods no mortal may approach,” wrote Halley in a sentiment that was endlessly echoed by his contemporaries and by many others since.

Although the Principia has been called “one of the most [-4-] books ever written” (Newton [-5-] made it difficult so that he wouldn't be pestered by mathematical "smatterers," as he called them), it was a [-6-] to those who could follow it. [---7---] Suddenly every motion in the universe made sense.

Once in a great while For the rest of his life he would be draped with plaudits and honors, becoming, among much else, the first person in Britain knighted for scientific achievement. preceded inaccessible intentionally beacon It not only explained mathematically the orbits of heavenly bodies, but also identified the attractive force that got them moving in the first place, gravity.
极其偶然,历史也只有过几次吧,有人作出如此敏锐而又出人意料的观察,人们无法确定究竟哪个更加惊人--是那个事实还是他的思想。《原理》的问世就是这样的一个时刻。它顿时使牛顿闻名遐迩。在他的余生里,他将生活在赞扬声和荣誉堆里,尤其成了英国因科学成就而被封为爵士的第一人。连伟大的德国数学家戈特弗里德•莱布尼兹也认为,他对数学的贡献比得上在他之前的所有成就的总和,尽管在谁先发明微积分的问题上,牛顿曾跟他进行过长期而又激烈的斗争。"没有任何凡人比牛顿本人更接近神。"哈雷深有感触地写道。他的同时代人以及此后的许多别人对此一直怀有同感。 《原理》一直被称为"最难看懂的书之一"(牛顿故意把书写得很难,那样就不会被他所谓的数学"门外汉"纠缠不休),但对看得懂的人来说,它是一盏明灯。它不仅从数学的角度解释了天体的轨道,而且指出了使天体运行的引力--万有引力。突然之间,宇宙里的每种运动都说得通了。
相关热点: 六年级上册英语