
畅谈世界文化:34 荷兰风车 (2/2)



Yorkshire 约克郡
Yes, that's why there are so many paintings of them. They were first used in Europe in the 12th century. That's certainly a long time ago. The first one was built in Yorkshire in England, not Holland. Oh, really? I thought the oldest ones must have been in Holland. I wonder why people started using them. I mean, I know they were used to grind grain, but why? I think it was to save on man power. Imagine how tiring it must have been to grind grain by hand, the windmill was definitely an inspired addition to energy sources. In Holland the drainage windmills are the most important, because lots of Holland is actually lower than the sea level. Nowadays the remaining ones are just for tourists. They don't use them for keeping the canal and sea level down anymore. The sea defenses have been greatly improved, they don't really need them. I'm glad they kept them though, even if they are just for tourists.
相关热点: 国家冷知识 MOOC