

《高分突破 英语专业四级听写》机械工业出版社

Different teachers have different styles of teaching. Some prefer to deliver a prepared lecture, while others expect some participation from their students. Likewise, some students learn best in the former situation, while others do so in the latter. Perhaps the best learning environment is one in which the preferred styles of teacher and students match. For me, that is a class in which the teacher encourages class participation. I prefer to participate in class for several reasons. One is that students' participation makes the class more lively and interesting. I can hear not only my teacher's opinions on a subject, but also those of my classmates. Another reason is that I believe the teacher can better understand the students when they interact with him in class. Rather than wait for exam results to indicate how much the students have absorbed, the teacher can learn immediately whether the students understand what he is talking about. Finally, I acquire more knowledge in this kind of class. I can ask more in-depth questions and satisfy my curiosity.
不同的老师有不同的教学风格。一些老师偏爱上一堂准备充分的课,而另一些老师期待学生的一定参与。同样地,一些学生在前一种情况下学得最好,而另一些学生在后一种情况下学得最好。也许最好的学习环境是老师和学生偏爱的风格能相互匹配的环境。对我来说,那就是一堂老师鼓励学生参与课堂的课。 我偏爱参与课堂有几个理由。一个是学生的参与使课堂变得更加活跃和有趣。我不仅可以听到我的老师关于某个话题的想法,而且还有我同学的想法。另一个原因是我相信,当老师与学生在课堂上互动时,他可以更好地了解他的学生。老师可以立马知道学生是否理解他正在讲的东西,而不是等待考试结果来显示学生吸收了多少知识。最后,我在这种课堂上得到了更多知识。我可以问更多的深层次问题来满足我的好奇心。 ——译文来自: journey_wen