乌拉乌拉~ 说到土著居民大家第一个想到什么了呢?~ 嗯~我们今天就来了解下澳洲的土著居民~
ps. 这个小盆友是不是眼神很萌呢?~
Ice Age
New Guinea
童鞋们注意音频出现的第一个aboriginals要大写哦 O(∩_∩)O ~
乌拉乌拉~ 说到土著居民大家第一个想到什么了呢?~ 嗯~我们今天就来了解下澳洲的土著居民~
ps. 这个小盆友是不是眼神很萌呢?~
Ice Age
New Guinea
童鞋们注意音频出现的第一个aboriginals要大写哦 O(∩_∩)O ~
Life must have been very different back then. At that time, known as the last great Ice Age, Australia was joined to New Guinea.
So, they must have journeyed across the ice. As the ice flows of the Ice Age began to melt, the sea level rose, isolating Australia.
They were stuck there, with no way to go back home. So, they made Australia their new home.
The first Aboriginals found an Australia with a better environment than today. Large animals, now extinct, provided more meat than the animals with which we are familiar.
Some parts of the continent were richer in vegetable foods, but the land contained no cultivated crops, or animals that could be domesticated, such as cattle and sheep.
Did you know they even have their own flag? It's divided horizontally into two equal halves of black and red, with a yellow circle in the centre.
Yes, it's flown or displayed permanently at aboriginal centres throughout Australia.
S1: 学生1 S2: 学生2
S1: 那时生活肯定很艰苦。当时正好是最后一次大冰川时代,澳大利亚和新几内亚还连在一起。
S2: 所以他们肯定是从冰上走过去的。后来由于冰川时代冰河的溶化,海平面上升,把澳大利亚与其他地方隔离开来了。
S1: 他们被困在了那里,找不到回家的路,于是就把澳大利亚当成了自己的新家。
S2: 第一批土著居民所发现的澳大利亚环境比今天的要好。而且,与我们今天所熟悉的动物相比,那些已经灭绝的大型动物能给他们提供更多的肉食。
S1: 大陆有些地区有较丰富的植物可食用,但那时没有人在这片土地上种植庄稼。这里也没有能被家养的动物,比如牛和羊。
S2: 你知道吗?土著人还有自己的旗帜。旗子被分为均等的两部分,上面是黑色,下面是红色,中间是一个黄色的圆圈。
S1: 是的,这种旗帜在遍布澳大利亚的土著人中心陈列着,永远飘扬。