

2011-03-10 01:23
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THAT you won't thought Alice, and, after waiting till she fancied she heard the Rabbit just under the window, she suddenly spread out her hand, and made a snatch in the air. She did not get hold of anything, but she heard a little shriek and a fall, and a crash of broken glass, from which she concluded that it was just possible it had fallen into a cucumber-frame, or something of the sort. Next came an angry voice the Rabbit's, Pat! Pat! Where are you? And then a voice she had never heard before, Sure then I'm here! Digging for apples, yer honour!'
“这你休想,”爱丽丝想,她等了一会,直到听见兔子走到窗下,她突然伸出了手,在空中抓了一把,虽然没有抓住任何东西,但是听到了摔倒了的尖叫声,和打碎玻璃的哗啦啦的响声,根据这些声音,她断定兔子掉进玻璃温室之类的东西里面了。 接着是兔子的气恼声:“帕特!帕特!你在哪里?”然后,是一个陌生的声音,“是,我在这儿挖苹果树呢?老爷!”