
别对我撒谎:S01E03-part 2 候选法官隐藏了什么?

2011-10-29 20:20
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候选法官对死去的女儿甚是伤心,但是根据Lightman Group的研究,却看不出她的表情有任何伤心;you know, 验谎专家总有法子的~~

You got any gum?
Gum. Chewing gum. Gum?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Thank you...
You get anything off her?
Well, her tears are real.
I still didn't see any 1______on her forehead. Okay, that was 2_____.
Just 3_______________ on the judge.
Oh, that was interesting.
Okay, you want to tell me what that was about?
Still no action in the forehead, or around the eyes, even though she's startled.
Most definitely 4_____________. 5_________. She's using botox.
6__________ I couldn't pick anything up.
It paralyzes the facial muscles. Tears were real, and her forehead would show sadness if it could.
Yeah, but she still doesn't have an alibi for the night of the murder.
Chances are, any mother who killed her daughter would display 7________ unless she was a sociopath.
If the mother's not lying, where does that leave us?
FBI says they think that Danielle knew her killer.
It's possible that person's here.
It's 9__________to show up at the victim's memorial.
Be it'd suspicious not to, especially if 10____________.

sadness disgusting keep your eye hiding something Her age No wonder shame Looking for someone else pretty risky they were close
有口香糖吗? 什么? 口香糖,有吗? 噢,有。 谢谢。 看出什么来了? 她的眼泪发自内心,从她的前额,我还是看不出悲伤。你真行,太恶心了。 你只管盯着法官就好。挺有意思。 好吧,到底怎么回事? 前额或是双眼依旧没变化,尽管她吓了一跳。 知道了。 肯定隐瞒了什么,就是她的年龄,她注射了肉毒杆菌。 怪不得我什么都看不出来。 肉毒杆菌麻痹了面部肌肉,眼泪是真的,如果她前额能动,也会显露出悲伤。 但谋杀当晚她并没有不在场证明。 通常杀害女儿的母亲都会表现出内疚,除非她有反社会倾向。 如果她母亲没撒谎,那我们如何着手? 调查一下别人,FBI认为Danielle认识凶手,凶手有可能就在这里。 在受害者的追悼会出现很冒险。 不出现更可疑,尤其她们可能很亲密。