
别对我撒谎:S01E01-part1 眼见为实?

2011-10-17 20:50
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Lightman 是知名的谎言识别专家,尤其擅长通过面部表情和肢体语言发现隐藏的谎言。Lightman小组经常帮助执法机构查案。一位虞诚的教徒的孩子被目击证人指控谋杀了自己的老师。同时,小组还被任命查出一位高官性丑闻事件的真伪。



The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster 1_______________________. This case is a 2__________. We got a juvenile offender, family of devout Jehovah's Witnesses. We gotta be real careful here.
Three day ago, James Cole, 16-year-old student at Jackson High, murdered his teacher, Susan McCartney. After Mr. Cole got into Mrs. McCartney's house, he smashed her head into a glass coffee table. He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen. Been in custody here ever since.
3______________________about the McCartney murder?
Assistant US Attorneys Hutchinson and Estin.
The kid was at the scene of the crime; he had motive, means; and he resisted arrest.
And he failed a polygraph test.
It's murder one.
Well, I guess we're all here then: 4_____________; 5___________; and us, 6__________.
The US Attorney's office wants to try Cole as an adult. But if the mayor is gonna support sending a 16-year-old to prison for the rest of his life, he wants to be certain we're talking about a premeditated, cold-blooded murder. He wants you to 7_________________________________.
We'll need the crime scene photos and the autopsy report.
I thought you could tell somebody was lying just by looking at them.
The question is never simply if someone is lying; it's why.

for coming on short notice land mine So what exactly does the mayor want to find out someone who wants the truth somebody who wants to be right the idiots in the middle provide an independent assessment of intent
市长感谢你和Foster博士能立刻赶来,这案子很棘手啊。被告是青少年,全家都是虔诚的耶和华见证人信徒,我们得万分小心。 三年前,Jackson高中的16岁学生James Cole谋杀了他的老师Susan McCartney。Cole进入McCartney小姐家房子后,把她的头撞向玻璃咖啡桌,逃出时被两个巡逻的给逮住了。一直拘留到现在。 这个案子,市长究竟还想查出什么? 副检察长Hutchinson和Estin。 那孩子在犯罪现场,有动机,有手段,而且还拒捕。 测谎仪也测出来了。 一级谋杀。 现在我们也来了。有人想要真相,有人想证明自己是对的,而我们则是夹在中间的笨蛋。 联邦检察长办公室希望,我们把Cole当成年人来审,但市长若要支持把这个16岁的少年终身监禁,他想要确定,此案早有预谋,且手法相当残忍。他想让你们提供一份独立的评估。 我们需要现场照片和尸检报告。 我还以为你们看看那个人,就能知道他在撒谎呢。 关键不在他是否撒谎,而是为什么。